Master Career Counselor

Carla Hunter, President of Career Span, Inc. is a Master Career Counselor (MCC) by the National Career Development Association and a Certified Career Coach by the National Board for Certified Counselors. She is an expert in writing resumes, effective job search strategies and interviewing success. Most recently, with over 20 years of navigating the complexity of today's world of work, she published "Finding Your Place in the World of Work", a career interest inventory (2014) and CareerView, an iPad app. As a private practice career counselor and a workforce development consultant, this blog is Carla's trove of ideas, trends, forecasts, and career tips for finding meaningful work.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take the bad boss quiz

As a continuation of the last post dealing with a bad boss, let's first set the parameters for what defines and measures a bad boss by taking the following quiz. Each statement reflect an indicator that merits our attention and focus on what constitutes a bad boss.

Important directions:

A. Place a check on the line of each question if your answer is yes.

B. If you placed a check by the statement indicating yes, then your next step is to circle or highlight the colored frequency of how often the behavior occurs. Scoring the quiz will depend not only on bad behavior but also how often it occurs. Scoring the quiz will come in the next post.

For now, when you read each statement answer it immediately. Don't chew the sentence and spit out an answer three hours later. Go with your instinct and past experience.

Are you ready? Okay, let's begin.

1. ___ My boss produces a toxic environment of distrust by actions that seem to make no sense at all to me or anyone else.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

2. ___My boss gossips about others behind their back without regard to confidentiality, respect or integrity.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

3. ___My boss lacks social awareness skills such as constantly interrupting, saying rude or obnoxious comments in meetings or to my face. I feel so uncomfortable when I am with my boss.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

4. ___My boss appears oblivious to the harm caused by an unmanaged emotional outburst in a meeting or to the staff who feel embarrassed or humiliated when hearing it.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

5. ___ My boss can exhibit impulsive behavior toward making decisions that affect office policy and procedures and will usually enact rules without notice.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

6. ___ My boss will ask for feedback but when it is given, dismisses it as nonsense or makes whoever spoke up feel stupid.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

7. ___My boss makes unreasonable demands on me or staff usually as a result of poor planning and ineffective leadership in meeting deadlines or goals.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

8. ___My boss has impossible expectations. No matter what happens, NOTHING is ever enough.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

9. ___My boss seems to feel threatened by other's success and accomplishments.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

10.___My boss would not recommend a top performer on our staff to other departments or managers to keep that person from moving up.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

11. ___My boss doesn't want to change the way it has always been done and is resistant to changing the status quo.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

12.___My boss plays favorites with staff and makes it obvious to the ones not chosen.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

13.___ My boss completely ignores conflict and avoids trying to solve problems with staff and peers.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

14.___ My boss seems to have no life outside the office and is consumed by work.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

15.___My boss appears to have a hidden agenda or an underlying motive that I can't quite put my finger on.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

16.___My boss can be cruel and ruthless in treatment of others including peers on the same level.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

17.___ My boss is inflexible with work schedules and the occasional need for family flexibility.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

18.___My boss has a leadership style that is all about control.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

19. ___ I would leave my job in a heartbeat because of my boss, although I love the work I do.

Occasional thought weekly thought daily thought constant thought

20. ___ The culture in my workplace is poisoned by the negative attitude and actions of my boss.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

21. ___ What is valued most by my boss is keeping my mouth shut and doing whatever I'm told.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

22.___ My boss doesn't annually evaluate me in a review giving positive feedback and challenging me to do my best work.

It happened five years ago Talks about it but never does Refuses to make it a priority When hell freezes over

23. ___ Depending on mood, everyone stays clear of my boss if it is bad.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

24. ___ I breathe a sigh of relief when my boss isn't in the office or away in meetings.

Only occasionally weekly daily constantly

25.___ Since I started taking this quiz, I feel nauseated and my head hurts.

Only a little I'm quite queazy I feel sick I just threw up

You have completed the quiz. Ready to score it?

Results will be tabulated in the next post.

Stay tuned.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What to do when you have a really bad boss

Today’s entry is a spin-off from my last one. Sometimes, no matter how much you and co-workers may have similar patterns of migration to interests, activities and values that bring meaning and fulfillment to the workplace; there are bosses who make life miserable for everyone. Before we begin to define a bad boss and what to do when you have one, let’s ask ourselves one question, “Is my boss incompetent and therefore bad or is my boss challenging and therefore stretching my boundaries of comfort?”

A bad boss is defined as one who is incompetent in leadership skills (what they do) and sustainability (who they are) in the workplace. A competent boss may actually challenge us to step out of comfort and go beyond the status quo. Thus, we may describe them as “bad” because they don’t fit our concept of doing things the way it has always been done.

Does that make them bad? The word “bad” is so subjective!

If you have stated the following to your boss in the past six weeks, your boss may not be so bad after all and you may need to redefine your expectations. Have you said:

“But, we’ve always done it this way. Why change it now?”

“Will I get paid for this extra work?”

“That is not in my job description!”

“I can’t do it. I don’t know how.”

“Do I have to do that?”

“I will get back to you in the next few days.”

“I really don’t like all this change.”

If you’ve answered any of those questions with a resounding yes, then let’s re-word the negativity. If your boss is leading at a pace you’re uncomfortable with or does it different than how it has always been done, it is likely you have the greater challenge.

A boss is not there to make your work life comfortable. A boss is there to make you competent and harness your very best talent.

In the next post, let’s get to the heart of what the definition is of a really bad boss.